miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

#5 How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten


Human communication is more than simple interaction between two or more people, it involves a great deal of different and relevant features which can lead to misunderstanding between the participants. In this video “How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it)”, Katherine Hampsten explains the process of communication, how it leads to miscommunication and four important practises to prevent it. First of all, it is important to know that communication has been analysed by different theories but there is just one, called the Transactional Model, which explains it as a “game of catch” where we communicate our message and we receive feedback from our interlocutor creating meaning together. Moreover, in this interaction the message we send is going to carry our own subjectivity and the feedback message we receive will have our interlocutor’s subjectivity, which means that the message will be reshaped every time it comes back from the participants. The changes in the message depends on a number of variables such as knowledge or past experience, religion, age,  family background, genre, race, etc. but also, in the relationship between the participants. All these factors affecting the message will also affect the act of communication and here is when miscommunication appears. Although miscommunication seems to be a common characteristic in our everyday life, we may not know how to prevent it and to make ourselves be understood. Luckily, there are some simple practises which will help us to overcome it. First, recognize the difference between passive hearing and active listening: communication can be verbal and non-verbal. Second, listen with your eyes, ears and gut: communication is more than just words. Third, take time to understand as you try to be understood: communication is a two-way process. And last, be aware of your personal perceptual filters. These will help us to work toward sharing a dialogue with others and to reach a common understanding.


1 comentario:

  1. Pls, CHECK organization of the paragraph, LINKERS (!!!!!)>>>poor cohesion.

